3 years ago

Have some art



Next up


If you didnt see already, I am making a PSX Horror game with my time... finished the pixel shader and working on models. Movement is done as well. Will try to get a vid showcase soon

Making a PSX Horror game with my time... finished the pixel shader and working on models. Movement is done as well. Will try to get a vid showcase soon

Hello ladies and Squibs! Yes im aware its been a while. But please just check out this image. Im currently working on a PSX horror game prototype. All models by me

You have heard of photoneagtive mickey, now feast your eyes on NegativeSquib.... no im not taking another mans thing just thought it looked funny

Made this background in blender. Its a desktop background for a game called Buddy Simulator 1984. I think it turned out well.

Been a while, made myself in space

Been a while, have some art

Updates and New Teaser

Squib Fights Aliens