Mania World
3 years ago

Have this helpful guide for console players

If you own minecraft on phone or windows 10 you're in luck
all you need is

your console (PS4/PS5, Xbox, Switch), your phone or windows 10 laptop/computer, and Minecraft Realms

first you want to download the world on your phone or computer and then after that make the world your realm, and last get on the console you want to play the world on and download the realm

and now you have the world on your console and you can do this with any world on bedrock

I hope this was helpful



Next up

a little timeline before I start taking a break anything game dev related

Have this unused Ashley drawing for something

Devlog 2

"We're half way there"

Here’s what I’ve been up to

3 new racers joins the Roster

Hyde, Stick Jaygi, and Sonic4925

I found out I forgot something On June 29 the Mania World was made 5 years ago I want to thank everyone who has been supporting the world for the past 5 years been wanting to make a Mania World 2 but progress on that has been slow

I'm in my Summer break so now I can lock in a lot without worry of school for the time being have this drawing of Lee

Jaygi's Ring Racers V1.4a

Later Today