6 months ago

Хе хе хе <3 хз что я сделала но как то так пупсик <3 💓💓#Flipa_Clip #X3 #Author #Animation #Gacha_nox нянянянянняняняняняняннянянянянянянянянянняняняняняняннянянянянянняняняняннянянянянянняняняняняннянянянянняняняняннянянянянягнягянянягянняня



Next up

Guys, tell me how is my life?? Or why do I like this character??. =>Guys, tell me how is my life?? Or why do I like this character??. => #the_mitchells_vs_machines #Pal If anything, the art is not mine. They are from Pinterest ok

My art and who knows where My art and who the hell are these photos from? well it doesn't matter in short <3 #Art #Furry #PlaytimeWithPercy #fnaf #fangames #AUTHOR #Pal #XP he - he <33

Check out what I found in Pinterest. One piece of art with Percy is mine. I XP What to write. #PlaytimeWithPercy #Pal #Percy #Minnie_Percy #art #Printerest

Well, we were scared from the first picture if I drew some art on the board. And these are theirs Tumblr;3 #myart #XP

Ля какой МИЛАХА <3 #Cat #art #memes #Vasya ;3

Я единственная кто говорит по русски и любит этот фандом ??? #playtimeWithPercy #Pal #fanart :D

Pov: when I forgot to do my homework. Well, this is my Persian named Bizo #PlaytimeWithPercy #Pal #Bizo #Tamagotchi #Art