inky hell (bendy fan game)
9 months ago

He is NOT happy

Current state of the game in article:

Alright, so sorry for the lack of updates the past 3 or so months. Some very personal stuff happened which I'm not going to talk about.

Anyways, here's what you've been waiting for. Actual news.

There's going to be a demo showcasing the combat, crafting, and resource scavenging mechanics.

It takes place in a cut out part of the main game's map, repurposed as a sort of arena thing for the demo.

No release date yet, but I'd say it's around 80% complete.

1 comment


Next up

I rigged new bendy

I made this parkour game for school

I am SUPER HAPPY with how it plays. It could look a lil better though. I might share more if people are interested.

What're your thoughts?

ue4 when you change the quality preset to medium:


New menu screen I made over a few days.

Seriously, I know that sometimes it might seem like nothing is being done, but I work on this game every single day. It's almost done, and it'll be beta tested for a few weeks before release :3

happy meat :)

another trailer soon

not on my channel for once 😏


be jealous 😎