One Night at Mr. Snickers - The Final Eggnd
1 year ago

Heh, yeah, "development has finally started", and now we have another 4 whole months without news nor teasers

TLDR; I'm searching for new 2D artists to help on the game since the current ones are dealing with life issues. And as a apology, the video above show small previews of 2 songs composed for the game.
So, cutting straight to the point, the members that were helping me on the game are now dealing with difficult real life issues, effectively putting the game on a huge dead end.
Those are situations that I literally have no control over, they just happen, and all we can do is wish all the members good luck to get through those difficult times.
And heck no, the game won't be cancelled, I'm doing my best by recruiting 2D artists around that might share an interest in the making of this project, and in fact, I did find one, which at first might not sound interesting since it's just one, but trust me, they are amazing at what they do.

There is a ton of cool-ish features, ideas, stories and soundtracks already planned/created, and regardless of whatever has happened in the ONaF community in the last months, this game is still filling me up with passion, since this is supposed to be my love letter to the franchise.
So, all I ask of you is to bear with me, I literally have no control over anything that is happening, but it doesn't mean that the game is completely stagnant, pretty much all sections of the game are planned, wrote down and fleshed out, and all they need is to be digitally drawn, then quickly programed in.

And as a apology "prize", up there has a small preview of two songs that will be used in the game. The event that they play in will be up to your imagination for the moment being.

Hopefully I will see you all soon!



Next up

No more Mr. nice guy, blast up your way for Sgt. Frickt! Don't wanna keep yall waiting for another whole month, so here's another re-design! Hopefully this is the last one before the next teaser.

Forever my beloved #Pokeversary

Happy Halloweggn! Haven't actually cooked anything big to share, but I do have something; A mysterious creature has been spotted in OWaF Concepts Night 6, and those who dug deep, found out that it was a Snickers 2 teaser, so here we go! A teaser at last!

Nothing tomato related but just wanted to share my first ever Blender model, it's ok for a first time i suppose! 3D Modeling, here i come!

Teaser 2

Devlog # 1

Oh no, Snickers has reached the 3D dimention

Watch the funny video!

Sorry for no updates! A characters re-design teaser is on the works. For now, here's the new design for Neptonia - the Waterwoman!

Examine the red void, you might find something.