So, for those who saw the latest teaser for the game, you've noticed that Willy will be in the game. I've never told anyone this because I've wanted him to be a surprise character for the game, up until- APRIL FOOLS!!!!
In case if you didn't find out with that, yes, it was a fake teaser that I pulled off for April Fools this year. Now like anything, don't take it too seriously. The reason I wanted to do a fake teaser is because most people say that their games have been cancelled for the joke, but with me, I wanted to do something different this year. Kind of like what PNM did last year with that fake Mac Tonight 4 teaser with the sunglasses. With me doing eh last year when I said I was leaving Scratch, it comes to show that I think this one was a comeback this year. Yes, Hell Bound Willy was a joke character that I did, even though I didn't created him, but I did the design by myself. So obviously, he's not going to be in the game because this was a little joke I did quickly yesterday up until now. No further questions please.