The Lost Ones: The End of Disney
3 years ago

Hell Bound Willy's role in TLO:TEOD

So, for those who saw the latest teaser for the game, you've noticed that Willy will be in the game. I've never told anyone this because I've wanted him to be a surprise character for the game, up until- APRIL FOOLS!!!!

In case if you didn't find out with that, yes, it was a fake teaser that I pulled off for April Fools this year. Now like anything, don't take it too seriously. The reason I wanted to do a fake teaser is because most people say that their games have been cancelled for the joke, but with me, I wanted to do something different this year. Kind of like what PNM did last year with that fake Mac Tonight 4 teaser with the sunglasses. With me doing eh last year when I said I was leaving Scratch, it comes to show that I think this one was a comeback this year. Yes, Hell Bound Willy was a joke character that I did, even though I didn't created him, but I did the design by myself. So obviously, he's not going to be in the game because this was a little joke I did quickly yesterday up until now. No further questions please.



Next up

You're watching the Disney Channel-

Happy 666 Followers (+ New teaser)

First look at the Pirate Caverns (Expect possible changes in the final)


#fnaf #fangame

Been a minute since I've done a teaser.

(Especially including some messages- Hint Hint Wink Wink.)



What am I doing with my life?

New definitive thumbnail!

Game Page Out Now...

Never thought I'd say this, but the two night demo is now (Finally).

Apologies for the extremely long wait.