3 years ago

hell's hooligans origins

the logens family part 1

Da boss: I must say benjamin, you’ve proven yourself quite impressive

Benjamin: ey thanks mate

Da boss: I think you’re worthy of being one of my elites, one of my highest ranks

Benjamin: you’re too kind

Da boss: come with me 

Narrator: da boss brought benjamin with him to a table of 8 other high ranking members

Da boss: these are going to be your new partners, you guys are going to oversee all of the operations of business

Benjamin: alright

Narrator: benjamin noticed at the end of the table was a woman polishing a large minigun, she looked up from her polish and gave him a seductive look

Benjamin: hm hm hm

Da boss: why are you looking at my daughter like that

Benjamin: yer what now

Da boss: this here is my daughter shila

Shila: g’day

Da boss: don’t look at her like that again you hear me benji

Benjamin: (gulp) yes sir

Da boss: good, now let's get to business

Narrator: three weeks later they were driving down the highway in a truck at high speeds, carrying dozens of highly valuable items


Benjamin: We got company!


Shila: take the wheel love, I got this

Narrator: shila shoved benjamin in the drivers sat and escaped to the back of the truck, she then kicked open the doors and revved her minigun






Narrator: benjamin looked in the mirror to see shila unloading her gun onto the pursuing cop cars, by the time she was done all pursuing vehicles were either destroyed or were unable to follow

Benjamin: jesus christ woman


Narrator: benjamin drove the truck back to the base to a very proud boss

Da boss: you did good son, real good 

Benjamin: thanks boss

Da boss: we’re gonna make a killing off of this

Narrator: benjamin walked back to his cabin when someone pushed him against the wall

Shila: what a rush that was wasn’t it

Benjamin: uh yeah quite

Shila: when I’m unloading my gun I vibrate like crazy

Benjamin: uhhhhh

Shila: so much that I feel, excited

Benjamin: UHHHHH

Shila: oh for cryin--- fuck me

Benjamin: what

Shila: you, me, bed, now

Benjamin: let’s do it

Narrator: five months later

Da boss: so you all may be wondering why I called a meeting today

Benjamin: why?

Da boss: it has come to my attention that one of you has been sleeping around, something that isn’t usually a problem until……

Narrator: shila then walked in behind him with her head held low


Narrator: benjamin examined her and thought to himself

Benjamin: shit

Da boss: she’s already told me so fess up.

Benjamin: she did

Narrator: benjamin looked at shila and say her sadly nodding

Benjamin: it...it was me

Da boss: now benjamin you know I have a strict rule against dating coworkers correct

Benjamin: (gulp) uh 

Da boss: and I mean very strict

Narrator: da boss pulled out a pistol and took aim

Shila: daddy wait

Da boss: I need to make an example out of him 

Narrator: da boss pulled the trigger, but when he shot shila pushed the gun out of the way

Da boss: SHILA!

Shila: RUN

Narrator: shila grabbed benjamin’s hand and jumped out of the window, after crashing they ran off

Da boss: fine, if you wish to run off with him. Be my guest. See where that takes you

Shila: dad’s got eyes everywhere 

Benjamin: then what do we do

Shila: we leave the country thats what we do

Benjamin: yeah but where

Passerby: really! Coach! You bought us tickets to new york in COACH

Other passerby: they were the only tickets I could afford

Passerby: do you know how many hours it takes to get to new york, I’m not riding coach for that long

Benjamin: um ahem

Passerby: what

Benjamin: how about me and me lady take these grungy tickets off your hands

Shila: we’ll buy em off ya

Narrator: she opened her purse

Passerby: there we go, maybe now we can get some economy tickets or something better than cOaCh

Other passerby: sure lets do it

Narrator: so benjamin and shila rode in coach all the way to their destination

Benjamin: alright, now what

Shila: we lay low, stay out of the spotlight for a bit

Benjamin: yeah but we got nothing, what are we going to do

Shila: we’ll figure it out

Narrator: the two left the airport in search of a place to stay, stopping at a mc donalds with the little pocket change they had

Benjamin: we’re fucked aren’t we

Shila: not yet dear, we’ll survive


Brooks: FREEZE 

Baunjovi: aight aight y’all have heard of us ya know the dealio

Jack: put the money in this bag

Brooks: and the nuggets in this one

Shila: follow my lead


Benjamin: OR ELSE!

Brooks: who the hell are these two

Baunjovi: I dunno man let's just go with it, help is help

Narrator: the five bandits emptied out the restaurant of all the money and nuggets that were in stock, and soon after made their escape. 

Brooks: you two, get in the car

Narrator: benjamin and shila then stepped into brooks’s car

Brooks: jack, off


Narrator: jack pressed on the gas and made the getaway

Baunjovi: so what are ya kangaroos doing here

Shila: we want in on your little thing you have here, what even are you anyway

Brooks: tourists, so ignorant. You see we’re the nugget bandits, we rob mc donald’s restaurants of all their money and nuggets

Benjamin: is it exclusively mc donalds or

Brooks: well we tried chick fil a but apparently they have their own military so we passed

Baunjovi: we tired wendy’s once but they were so...so mean

Brooks: yeah we just stick to mc donalds

Shila: uh huh

Benjamin: we need a place to stay, we just fled australia and need someplace to stay

Brooks: why didn’t ya say so. If yer loyal you can stay in the abse

Jack: that musty ol place? Nah son y’all can stay with me at my place, I;ve been looking for a roommate for awhile now

Brooks: that works too

Narrator: jack drove brooks and baunjovi back to their place and then drove to his home 

Jack: alright we’re here

Shila: thanks again for letting us stay here

Jack: no problem lads

Narrator: three years later

Shila: so what is brooks planning now

Benjamin: he said something about a jewelry store

Shila: a jewelry store AHH! Why did you guys start doing fun things AFTER I had a baby

Sugar: gah

Shila: shh shhh

Benjamin: I know I know I’ll get ya something nice from there alright

Shila: okay

Narrator: one hour later


Shila: what? What happened

Benjamin: the bastard only wanted to break in to please his girlfriend

Shila: what a tool

Benjamin: bloody horny idiot

Narrator: benjamin turned on the TV

Reporter this just in brooks brokouski has been killed, he and an unnamed woman were caught trying to rob a jewelry store, the cops pursued them to the roof where brooks and his unnamed accomplice jumped to their deaths

Benjamin: WHAT!

Shila: wait what’s gonna happen to us now

Jack: ey guys what happ-- BROOKS IS DEAD!

Benjamin: yeah, he went through with that robbery and got killed

Jack: what are we gonna do, what are we gonna do!

Benjamin: I don’t know man

Jack: I’ll call baunjovi he’ll know 

(ring ring)

Jack: come on man

(ring ring)

Jack: he’s not picking up 

Benjamin: shit

Jack: I don’t know what to do man

Narrator: two years later, the two were broke. They couldn’t find a niche anywhere and were barely holding home together with jack 

Shila: shit

Benjamin: what are we going to do

Shila: I-I don’t know

Sugar: what’s wrong

Benjamin: not now darling

Sugar: aw...okay

Narrator: shila and benjamin went out to try and find some kind of odd job when the noticed somebody in an alleyway gesturing for them to come closer

Benjamin: huh?

Hailey: come here

Shila: I got the revolver ready in case this goes south


Hailey: yes yes I do, but I need something done, somethingI’m willing to pay for

Benjamin: how much

Hailey: eh a couple thousand

Shila: we’ll take it

Hailey: good, good

Shila: so what’s the job

Hailey: I want you two to kidnap my sister and bring her to me

benjamin: why? 

Hailey: she killed my mother and I want revenge. So you two are going to grab her and bring her to this address

Narrator: she handed them a slip of paper with an address

Benjamin: where can we find her?

Hailey: I overheard her speaking on the phone with somebody yesterday, apparently she’s getting an abortion in about an hour, when she’s done she’ll be emotionally unstable and saddened no doubt. The perfect time to strike. The clinic’s address is on the other side of the paper  

Benjamin: alright lass you got it

Narrator: on hour later

Lulu: alright...here we go...sorry ben

Narrator: lulu began to step inside the clinic while benjamin and shila waited outside

Benjamin: so how long do these last anyway

Shila: hell if I know I never had one

Narrator: two hours later

Benjamin: wait wait...here she comes

Lulu: (sniff) was that a mistake...did I do the right thing…(sniffle) why do I feel regre-- (AHH)

Narrator: benjamin and shila grabbed her and tried to pull her to the ground

Benjamin: come on come on!



Narrator: lulu pulled out a pistol and fired 

Benjamin: AHH! SHILA! SHE’S GOT A GUN...shila

Narrator: benjamin stopped the attack and saw shila laying on the ground with a bullet in her chest 

Benjamin: SHILA!

Narrator: benjamin heard lulu’s footsteps as she ran off

Benjamin: YOU!!

Narrator: benjamin grabbed shila’s revolver and fired, hitting lulu in the leg

Benjamin: oh I have no idea what that lady is going to do to you but I’m gonna enjoy it

Narrator: benjamin lifted her and threw her in the trunk of his car

Benjamin: AHH!

Narrator: benjamin drove lulu all the way to the address he was given 

Hailey: is the job done


Hailey: of course your money is in the


Hailey: pardon


Hailey: that woman...she killed her

Benjamin: yeah you could’ve told us she had a gun on her

Hailey: I didn’t know 


Benjamin: I still finished the job, she’s in my trunk

Hailey: marvelous, I’ll reward you soon, I have business to attend to with her

Narrator: hailey pulled lulu out of the car


Hailey: yes dear now shut up, talking isn’t going to be necessary  when I’m done with you

Narrator: hailey dragged her into her basement, which benjamin followed. When entering the basement benjamin was hit with the horrible stench of death. Benjamin looked around after hailey turned on the light and saw dead bodies leaned up against the walls, above each head was a missing poster, presumably for the person that was below them

Benjamin: this is fucked

Hailey: shush! This doesn’t concern you

Narrator: hailey threw lulu into a cage and cut her binds. The cage was long and decently wide. But too short for lulu to stand in

Hailey: welcome to my trophy room sister

Lulu: what do you want with me

Hailey: ever since you killed mother I’ve been, antsy, irritable, and unstable, I need closure


Hailey: THE ONE THING I’VE EVER LOVED IS GONE, and if you didn’t exist...she would still be around...ma...ma-mommy

Lulu: so what, you’re going to kill me

Hailey: no no no, I have something much more fun in store

Narrator: hailey pulled out a pair of dog bowls, she filled one with water and the other with dog food and placed them in the cage

Hailey: enjoy...P E T

Benjamin: eh...this is...really fucked

Haily: hush now, it's time to get you your reward

Narrator: benjamin was directed up the stairs back into the house, he took one last look at lulu and shuddered

Benjamin: alright lady, you owe me bigtime

Hailey: I am terribly sorry for your loss, your wife’s death was nowhere near intended

Benjamin: what will I do now huh? My daughter is going to have to grow up without a mother

Hailey: oh? You have a daughter, how old

Benjamin: she’s close to five

Hailey: ooh I have a little four year old of my own...tell you what, on top of the money you get from this I’ll give you a job and a place to stay as...reparations

Benjamin: a job

Hailey: sure, I could use some help with household chores and my daughter could use a playmate

Benjamin: how much is the pay

Hailey: minimum wage

Benjamin: really

Hailey: and a place to stay

Benjamin: eh fair enough, I’ll give this a try

Narrator: three days later

Benjamin: thanks for helping me get me stuff together

Jack: no problem man

Sugar: daddy where are we going

Benjamin: daddy’s found us a better place to live, and the best part is there's a girl your age just waiting to play with you

Sugar: really!

Benjamin: yeah love so pack yer stuff cuz we’re getting out of here

Sugar: already packed

Benjamin: great lass. Jack, thank you for letting me and me family stay here, if you ever need a favor. You have my new address

Jack: you got it pardner

Narrator: one car ride later

Benjamin: alright we’re here

Sugar: it’s so much bigger than the apartment

Benjamin: I know right

Narrator: benjamin stepped into the house where hailey was waiting with a little girl at her side

Hailey: victoria, this is our new helper benjamin and his daughter er um, what’s her name again

Benjamin: sugar

Hailey: right sugar

Narrator: the two girls walked towards each other and greeted

Sugar: hi there

Victoria: h-hi s-sugar

Sugar: something wrong?

Hailey: she has a bit of a stutter, the doctors said she’ll get over it when she’s older

Victoria: y-yeah 

Sugar: wanna play

Victoria: d-do I!

Narrator: the two ran off to victoria’s room to play

Benjamin: alright where do I start

Hailey: I have to be at work in an hour so here’s your list of chores. Empty the dishwasher, fold the laundry and put it in my room, feed the dog, clean her cage,and if vv tells you to do anything you do it

Benjamin: vv?

Hailey: victoria can be referred to as vv

Benjamin: right, and what dog are you talking about

Hailey: ugh

Narrator: she tapped her foot on the floor and looked down

Benjamin: oh her right

Hailey: and one more thing….if my daughter ever EVER gets into my trophy room. You’re going to be part of it. Capiche

Benjamin: right, no kids in the trophy room

Hailey: good. It would be a shame if my daughter were to see that side of me. Especially since I don’t partake in it anymore. Those days are behind me

Benjamin: right. There's a lock to that room right?

Hailey: yes, the key is on the nightstand in your room. Out of reach of the children

Narrator: she started to walk towards the door

Haily: if you have any questions call me 

Narrator: and with that she left

Benjamin: yeesh 

Narrator: benjamin made his way to his quarters and found a key he then went downstairs into hailey’s trophy room and locked the door behind him

Lulu: oh it's you

Narrator: she said with a sneer, benjamin didn’t respond and went to his work, he sifted through the items and pulled out a bottle of water and a bag of dog food, as well as a red button

Benjamin: what’s this for?

Lulu: it opened up the hole over there

Benjamin: what’s the hole for?

Lulu: guess

Narrator: benjamin thought to himself and came to the realization

Benjamin: ew

Lulu: yeah imagine sitting around in it all day

Benjamin: yeesh I thought she’d just kill ya or something 

Lulu: I wish, thenI wouldn’t have to sit around in...this all day

Benjamin: egh then I wouldn’t have to look at it

Narrator: benjamin did his job and left the room with a shudder in his spine. Meanwhile sugar and victoria were getting along just fine

Victoria: wanna try some of my cookies

Sugar: do I!

Narrator: sugar tried one of the cookes and felt something she never felt before

Sugar: my goodness! These are great!

Victoria: reelly! Mom never tried them so I didn’t know...I can make more if you want


Narrator: one year later

Hailey: benjamin 

Benjamin: yes lass I did all the chores

Hailey: it's not that its your daughter 

Benjamin: what about her

Hailey: she’s gotten a bit...well. Ugh why am I even hiding this. Fat she’s fat

Benjamin: yeah fair enough, but what do you want me to do, you run me ragged with chores, you’re always out of the house. Plus your daughter is handy with that easy bake oven of hers

Hailey: that’s it! The oven, I’ll just take it away and she’ll stop making those treats all the time

Benjamin: yeah do that

Hailey: go feed the dog I know you forgot to do that

Benjamin: yeah “forgot”

Narrator: benjamin hurried down the stairs once more, he’s gotten accustomed to doing his job quickly as he couldn’t bear to look at lulu for very long. Over the year she became quite unsightly, her nails grew long, her hair covering her eyes, her clothes ragged, and the smell of the room was too much for benjamin to bear. However this time he got his job done so quickly he forgot to lock the door

Lulu: the door….he...didn’t….lock the door hehehehe AHAHAHAHAHA

Narrator: lulu went to work picking the lock of her cage and eventually picked the lock

Lulu; hailey you’re fucking dead

Narrator: speaking of which hailey and benjamin were upstairs trying to pry an eazy bake oven from victoria and sugar’s hands



Victoria: NEVER


Hailey: oh to hell with this! Benjamin you deal with this. I have to go to work

Narrator: and hailey left with a huff. She walked out of the house and was standing in front of her garage when she heard her car start

Hailey: what the hell BENJAMIN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU-- AHHH!


Narrator: lulu slammed her foot on the gas and drove into hailey as fast as the car would go, ripping her in half



Narrator: lulu forgot to put her foot off the gas and crashed into a tree, killing her 

Benjamin: what the bloody ell just happe-- OH FUCK

Narrator: benjamin saw the scene and flipped his shit

Benjamin: JESUS CHRIST! 

Victoria: What happe-- AH! Mommy!

Benjamin: what...what just happened

Narrator: three months later

Lawyer: according to hailey’s will and testament benjamin you have inherited hailey’s house, as well as this confidential letter of which is ment for your eyes only, as for her money she has stated that her money is saved for her daughter victoria, however since she is a minor as of now she cannot claim the money until she is 18, as for her possessions she wanted them to be split amongst benjamin, sugar, and her daughter victoria. Any questions

Benjamin: yeah can I have access to that fortune

Lawyer: that is for victoria to decide when she becomes an adult

Benjamin: WHAT! But how can I keep this house and two kids afloat without that money

Lawyer: if hailey thought of that she did not mention it in her will and is therefore not legally viable now that she has passed

Benjamin: fuck

Narrator: soon after leaving the office benjamin took a look at the letter

To benjamin

If you are reading this it means I have died, in which case there are affairs that need to be taken care of, first the house. In my trophy room there is a fake tile on the wall, pull it off and you’ll find a safe. The combination of the safe is at the bottom of this letter. In the safe you’ll find my emergency cash, some jewelry, a few bank details, a bucket of quick dry cement, and a picture of my mother. Use the money and sell the jewelry to pay off the house, assuming all goes well it should be enough to pay off the house until vv turns 18. The bank details are to my three accounts, one is my savings, one is victoria’s college fund, and the other is my access to the stock market, keep track of my stocks and use them if you must, as for the other two they aren’t yours. Take the picture of my mother and tape it to my gravestone, I want her with me. And the cement is for the room. Seal it off. Once you have everything that you need from my trophy room seal it shut with the cement and never look back. If lulu is still alive release her. I have no use for her anymore. 

Burn this paper when you’re done

( 6166)

Benjamin: you got it lass   

Narrator: benjamin took the note and crammed it in his pocket. He took the advice hailey gave and took the kids home. Once he arrived he did as he was told, he went down to the safe and plucked everything he needed out of it. He took the cement and boarded up the door to hide haily’s awful past

Benjamin: hope that tomb suits ye

Narrator: ten years later

(knock knock)

Benjamin: I’ll get it!

Narrator: benjamin walked up to the door to see jack staring back at him

Benjamin: jack? Ga lee it's been years

Jack: yeah I know

Benjamin: what brings you here

Jack: well remember when you moved out and said to hit you up if I ever needed a favor 

Benjamin: yeah?

Jack: well I need to cash in that favor 

Benjamin: what’s going on mate

Jack: well you see in the past ten years I’ve become a bit more financially stable

Benjamin: good on ya mate

Jack: yeah I know, and I started taking up hiking as a hobby

Benjamin: uh huh

Jack: and you see I wanted to go on this trip  but I need a partner to go with me

Benjamin: sure mate when’s the trip

Jack: two weeks

Benjamin: alright mate I think I can come what should I pack

Jack: I wrote down this list for ya

Narrator: jack handed benjamin a piece of paper with a list of supplies on the list

Jack: I can pay for em if ya want

Benjamin: nah mate I think I’ll be alright

Jack: alright buddy if you say so 

Narrator: two weeks later

Jack: alright here we are

Narrator: benjamin looked up at the tall mountain ahead of him and gulped

Benjamin: I thought we we just hiking

Jack: we are, there’s a trail that goes around the mountain

Benjamin: right...right

Narrator: the two started on the trail and crept up the mountain. After the first day benjamin started to have his doubts

Benjamin: uh lad are your sure this is the right way, this place doesn’t feel steady

Jack: yeah I-I think so

Benjamin: THINK SO!

Jack: shut up! Your yelling might cause a--



Narrator: the two looked up and saw a hailstorm of boulders coming down on them

Benjamin: RUN!

Narrator: the two ran through the path with rocks falling from above


Benjamin: AHH!

Jack: huh!

Narrator: jack turned around to see that a boulder had fallen on benjamin’s legs

Benjamin: help me

Narrator: jack stared for a moment


Benjamin: HELP ME

Narrator: jack turned away and ran off

Benjamin: YOU FUCKER!

Narrator: jack kept running, leaving benjamin behind. After a bit of running a boulder fell right next to him knocking him off the mountain

Jack: AHHH!


Narrator: jack fell to the bottom of the mountain and broke his legs. He crawled on the ground bleeding out homping to find help

Jack: help! HELP ME!

(Growl) (growl) (bark)

Narrator: a horde of eyes came out from the shadows as a pack of wolves circled around him

Jack: make it qui-- AHHHHHHH!




Next up

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