3 years ago

Hell's hooligans origins

The logens family part 2

I'm back baby!

Narrator: Benjamin was found dead two weeks after his disappearance. Sugar and Victoria were only 15 at the time and had to be put through foster care. They were sent to the home of their new foster parent who already had a child of her own

F. mother: children this is my daughter elizabeth, elizabeth these are the new foster kids. Sugar and victoria

Elizabeth: ello there love

Narrator: elizabeth looked to be about the same age as sugar and victoria, she was slightly chubby with black hair and circular glasses around her eyes

Sugar: hi

Victoria: h-hello

Narrator: sugar and elizabeth were introduced to their room, there was only one spare room in the house so the two had to share, while unpacking sugar and victoria began to talk

Sugar: you doing alright vv

Victoria: y-yeah

Sugar: poor thing, you must be terrified

Victoria: a l-little bit

Sugar: it’s alright vv we’ll be okay. I’m sure we’re in good hands. And besides

Narrator: sugar leaned in close, that lizzie girl is kinda cute

Victoria: w-what!

Sugar: yeah, she’s the cutest thing, oh and that accent

Victoria: okay please stop

Sugar: you’re right we just got here...you want a hug

Victoria: badly

Narrator: So Sugar hugged Victoria on the spot, what Sugar didn’t know was that Victoria was very interested in Sugar and hugs like this were why. Over the years sugar had gotten “soft” to put it subtly with the help of Victoria and her oven. Now Victoria was scared she’d lose the one person she admired most.

Victoria: what do I do what do I do

Angel victoria: you should tell sugar how you feel

Victoria: but I’m scarred, what if she finds it wired

Devil victoria: wired? You’ve fed her and kept her company all this time! It’s wired for her to not pick up your clues

Angel victoria: now now lets think about this. We don’t even know if elizabeth swings “that way” if you know what I’m saying

Devil victoria: true true, for all we know she could be straight

Angel victoria: glad we can agree. Let’s keep track of them and make sure we aren’t jumping to conclusions

Narrator: over time Victoria watched as Sugar flirted with Elizabeth, once Elizibaeth started flirting back Victoria became worried. It took weeks for Victoria to gain the courage, and decided to ask Sugar the question on her birthday. On the night before the big day Victoria was practicing her routine when she heard elizabeth and Sugar talking in the other room

Sugar: for real? You’re really pouring me a glass of this

Elizabeth: sure, it’s your birthday tonight. So how about at midnight we both take a sip of this

Narrator: Victoria stared into the room to see what the other two were talking about. She saw elizabeth pouring a glass of wine for the two of them to enjoy, despite their young age

Elizabeth: when the clock strikes midnight, we’ll take a mighty swig like me cousins in Ireland

Sugar: awesome! Give me one second

Elizabeth: you got ten minutes

Sugar: right, midnight. I’ll be right back

Narrator: sugar exited the room as Victoria’s mind began to race

Victoria: What do I do!

Angel victoria: don’t worry it’s just a drink they’ll be fine

Narrator: they looked in the room to see elizabeth lighting a few candles and talking to herself

Elizabeth: *sigh* I love that girl

Angel victoria: um uh um

Devil victoria: allow me

Narrator: the devilish figure in her shoulder floated in front of Victoria’s face and began to morph itself. After a few seconds the figure took the form of Hailey

Hailey: victoria this is your mother

Victoria: huh!

Hailey: my sister took what I loved away from me, now it’s happening to you. But you can stop it! Take out Elizabeth before she undoes your hard work

Victoria: how

Hailey: I saw a jug of cleaning chemicals in the laundry room, get a capful and slip it into her wine

Narrator: Elizabeth blindly did as her mother told, getting a capful of chemicals and hiding it in her sleeve. She theme entered the room where elizabeth was waiting

Victoria: hey lizzie, whatcha doing

Elizabeth: me and sugar are going to celebrate her sweet sixteen with a few glasses of wine, want one.

Victoria: sure

Narrator: Elizabeth turned around to grab the bottle as Victoria poured the entire capful of chemicals into Elizabeth’s glass

Elizabeth: you know you’re sister is mighty cute

Victoria: well we aren’t “sisters” per sae, our parents just lived together

Elizabeth: Yeah, how did that work?

Victoria: Dad was mom’s servant. She let him and Sugar stay with us in exchange for his work

Elizabeth: uh huh, well in any case you two are real cute

Victoria: wait what

Elizabeth: Sure sugar is forward, soft, and lovable. But your shyness and tenderness is so cute! It’s hard to decide which one I like more

Victoria: um uh

Elizabeth: have you ever heard of the word...polyamorous?

Victoria: no

Elizabeth: It means, multiple people in one relationship, more than two.

Victoria: wait so--

Elizabeth: I like you, and I like Sugar, sugar likes me, and you CLEARLY like Sugar. So let’s cut the triangle out of it and corporate

Victoria: you think she’d like it?

Elizabeth: I don’t see why not

Victoria: you know what, I might give it a shot

Sugar: okay guys I’m back

Elizabeth: oh nice it’s almost midnight

Narrator: a million fantasies played through Victoria’s mind, everything she’d ever wanted (and a bit more) was right in her grasp. However her fantasies clouded her memory and she forgot one very important detail

Elizabeth: ACK ARGH AHH!


Narrator: victoria was shook out of her fantasy to see Elizabeth convulsing on the floor

Victoria: no… NO NO! I’M SO SORRY


Narrator: tears filled in Victoria’s eyes as she ran out of the room


Narrator: afraid of her lover’s wrath Victoria ran as fast as she could, eventually leading the two of them onto the roof, Victoria want to be as far away as she could, stepping onto the ledge of the building before stopping

Sugar: what did you do!

Narrator: Victoria looked between the gap below her and her angered friend next to her, she knew she lost any hope of being with Sugar, knowing that if she explained herself she’d be seen as a monster at best and a criminal at worst. The bottom of the alley was looking more and more appetizing. As she weighed her options she didn’t realize that Sugar was approaching her. Sugar grabbed Victoria's arm and held tight. Victoria panicked and threw herself off of the side, the sudden shift in weight catching Sugar off guard. Sending both to the concrete below




Next up

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❤Sallie May❤

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My thoughts