Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia
1 year ago

Hello all of my GameJolt Fans!! How are you ALL today so far? Pretty Good huh? Anyways, here is the #995th GameJolt Post that I'd made for today here!!!!

And it's kind of an exciting one!!! And of course, this #995th Post right here on GameJolt's actually an interesting start to begin with!! BTW, this post was also for many other random Communities and Realms like the SMG4 YouTube Series, Minecraft, Crash Bandicoot, FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Horror Genre of Videos Games, and many others as well........

.........But, I was like, never mind and everything. That wasn't even going to work anyway. So, I just stick with the proper program and just use my OWN and PERSONAL Communities as well!!! Not sure for the Realms though. Because I like NO IDEAS or what CLUES on how to create my very Realms on GameJolt and everything. Anyways, this #995th GameJolt Post is connected to the GameJolt Game Page for the 17th future instalment for the "Five Nights at Jax Justun's" FUTRE FNAF-like PARODY SERIES!!!! Which the name for that 17th FUTURE FNatJJ's Game is of course called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia" and that MASSIVE future-like parody game here had like so many TEASERS located in the "Media Section" of its OWN and PERSONAL GameJolt Game Page!!

And there's like TEN of them in total!!! The first one is the ACTUAL and FIRST ever Teaser that I'd posted awhile back last year in the 2023s and it was just a Teaser-like Poster that just shows about that the 17th FNatJJ's game is coming soon!! Which was on "January 17th, 2024", and that was like FOUR days ago in this month here in 2024!!! Speaking of this FIRST month here in 2024, the second teaser was the Version 1.0 or the 6th Version/Variant of the "Banner Poster Shrine" that has ALMOST all of the Parody Mascots (plus the Parody Cameo Mascots) of Jax Justun Studios!!! That one alone had took me like a total of 14 or 15 days here on January 2024 to create that teaser for that future game alone!!!

Those 14 January Days of 2024 were like up to ALMOST THREE whole WEEKS from not only making an evolution of Banner Poster Shrines, but also redesigning my OC Parody Characters from 2018, 2019 and so on and so forth, and even reimagining the Parody Cameo Characters from their own personal and different existing properties, games, shows, movies and any other random Community and/or Realm as well!!! After all of that stress-ness, and speaking of the numbers 3 and 14, the THIRD Teaser that I'd put for this 17th future FNatJJ's game here is the "209th Anniversary Year Event Poster that I'd made last year as well!! Which was 2023!!! The year that I'd graduated in!!! Which was also on Friday the 13th, which also that's October 13th, 2023.


That one had ALMOST of all of the Parody Cameo Characters that I'd imagined and used for all of my future games!!! However, not ALL of them were in that poster because there was too many of those Parody Cameos to count from and would've took lots of time during my working phases from making it. I've even uploaded that poster on the GameJolt Game Page for the 14th future FNatJJ's game!!! Anyways, last but not least, the remaining SEVEN Teasers that I'd made through Nov. 6th - Dec. 10th of 2023 are actually SIX Teaser Posters for the MAIN Parody Cameo Characters that I'll be using for this 17th FNatJJ's game here!!!

And yesterday on Jan. 20th, 2024, which was the 994th GameJolt Post, I'd recently made like another Character Teaser Poster for another Character that I'd totally forgotten about when I'd imagined it way back in the 2021s!!! So here's of all of the links for every single one of these SEVEN Parody Cameo Characters that I'd imagined with their very own different Character Teaser Posters!!!!

Here's the List of ALL Links to the MAIN Seven Character Teaser Posters that I'd created for this 17th FNatJJ's (Five Nights at Jax Justun's) Game!!!! With their personal Real Names, their own OFFICIAL Communities and Realms based on their own Universes, their reasonings from me on WHY and HOW I wanted to use those characters for this 17th future game and many more future games as well, and many other kinds of things as well!!! Some of those Characters from their own Character Teaser Posters were made from me and based on actual real-life properties, projects, creations, etc. So, here they ALL are!!!


On top of the LIST of all PCCof2024 Characters from down below, is the Banner Poster Shrine of all of the Characters that I've been using for creating their own personal and different Character Teaser Posters from November 6th, 2023 through January 20th, 2024!!!

(The Official Banner Poster Shrine of the Paordy Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios from 2024 (SERIES ONE) will be shown here in the middle portion here!!!)

[Date(s) Created From: INCOMING SOON!!]

Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios from 2024 (SERIES ONE):

PCCof2024 #1 - Saiko (From the SMG4 Universe/Series on YouTube) - Created on: November 6th, 2023

Link to Original Post for Saiko's CTP:

PCCof2024 #2 - Melony (From the SMG4 Universe/Series on YouTube) - Created on: November 6th, 2023

Link to Original Post for Melony's CTP: (It's the same link like for Saiko's one!! Sorry for the "Confusion-ness" folks!!!)

PCCof2024 #3 - Kaizo Koorumaniru (From the SMG4 Universe/Series on YouTube) - Created on: Nov. 7th, 2023

Link to Original Post for Kaizo's CTP:

PCCof2024 #4 - Princess Aja Tarron (From 3Below: Tales of Arcadia "Part of the MAIN Netflix Trilogy of Dreamwork's Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia") - Created on: November 14th, 2023

Link to Original Post for Aja Tarron's CTP:

PCCof2024 #5 - ValVeatley (The 1st OC Character Created from ME and Based on the Portal Series Created by "Valve") - Created on: November 21st, 2023

Link to Original Post for ValVeatley's CTP:

PCCof2024 #6 - Kassidey Kacey (The 2nd OC Character Created from ME) - Created on: November 22nd, 2023

Link to Original Post for Kassidey Kacey's CTP:

PCCof2024 #7 - Axol (From the SMG4 Universe/Series on YouTube) - Created on: December 10th, 2023

Link to Original Post for Axol's CTP:

PCCof2024 #8 - Tawna Bandicoot (From Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time!!!) - Created on: January 20th, 2024

Link to Original/Most Recent Post for Tawna Bandicoot's CTP:


WAIT!!!?!?!?!?!?!!! Didn't I'd say that I'd made SIX Character Teaser Posters for like SEVEN Parody Cameo Characters that I'd made from Nov. 6th, 2023 - January 20th, 2024? #Oopsies!!! I'd meant to say was that I'd made like SEVEN Character Teaser Posters which all of them individually have up too like #EIGHTParodyCameoCharacters #of2024!!! YEP!! Sorry for that mix up from earlier from this #995th post here on GameJolt!!

I guess I'd miss counted back there. There's actually like ONE Character Teaser Poster (which was the first one created back on November 6th, 2023) that has like TWO different characters from the same exact Universe that they were featured and living in!!! And that first Character Teaser Poster has TWO different SMG4 Characters from the SMG4 Universe/Series which is on YouTube!! Those are of course both "Saiko" and "Melony"!!!! Saiko is an anime girl that inside of an old/new Japanese Adventure-like Simulation game, alongside with only "Kiazo" which was transported into the human world of the SMG4 Universe and Melony was originally just a normal-sized Watermelon and was then turned into a God/Human-like Girl from the powers from an old Link kind of Mask. Melony also has the brain's of a five-year-old or just a child and would also sleep for a long periods of time as well!!!

If you guys want to learn more about those TWO characters and the rest of those characters, you all then need to wait for awhile now patiently and stay tuned for FUTURE updates!! That's right folks!! Not only that both Saiko and Melony will have their own separate links about their ACTUAL stories from their own and actual worlds and even their past links from having their personal Character Teaser Poster. but also everyone else as well!!!

They might even have their own Remastered/Version 2.0 Variants of their very own different and personal Character Teaser Posters as well!!! But just sit tight okay? I might probably release those things later on and/or after I'd post the #1000th GameJolt Post based on the List of Series of Parody Characters and Parody Cameo Characters that I'd made for Jax Justun Studios and everything!!


Just stay tuned for future updates from me (@NanGameJolt23 ) and have a nice day everybody!!!! #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!!! #MeetTheSeriesOneofThe #ParodyCameoCharactersof2024!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! #SMG4 #DreamWorksTrollhunters #CrashBandicoot4 #ItsAboutTime #ValvesPortalSeries #FiveNightsAtFreddysMeets #AllOtherKindsofUniverses #AndAlsoDimensionsasWell!!!! #HappyBelatedNewYearEverybody!!!!

(Here's a Link to back to the 17th FNatJJ's Game:

You may also click on the Main Title itself {Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia} and it'll also take you back to the MAIN GameJolt Game Page of the 17th FNatJJ's Game!! Anyways, once again, please be safe and have a nice day everybody!!! See you all in the month of "February" in the Year of 2024!!!!

-THX for the Positive Love-ness and Support!!! ;D



Next up

JJS Parody Depiction #34 (For Traccie) - Created on: February 8th, 2025 Today's Feb. 8th, 2025, and it's the official one year anniversary of the redesigns/remodels for the Crayola Brothers!!!! I think????

JJS Parody Cameo Bio Poster #3 (For Reuben the Pig) - Created on: February 9th, 2025 WOW!!!!! Another one!?!??!?!!!! Created on the exact same day here!!!!! Didn't expect that I guess!!!!!! Minecraftia Studios had done it again of course by the way!!!!!!!

2019 Parody Cameo Characters #6 & #7 - Malak & Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck - Both From Dark Deception I can't believe I haven't had them chances to show off these two all at once here you guys!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Video #39 - (Created on: October 1st, 2024) Jax Justun Justun has finally presented us a very short and anticipated official #JJSvideo for all of you guys!!!! In time for their #210thYearEventSpecial!!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Bio Poster #2 (For Smudger) - Created on: February 9th, 2025 Well folks, Minecraftia Studios have finally found the official #2ndJJSPCbioPoster here on #February9thOf2025!!!! That came out weird, but okay then.......

JJS Parody Depiction #33 (For Lav SHawnna) - Created on: February 2nd, 2025 Can you all believe that it's the #2ndDay of #FebOf2025, the last day of the one year anniversary of the "Vaccum Brothers"!!!!

FNatJJ's 17: Minecraftia Chap. & Episode FOUR Game Header/Thumbnail (Created on: April 20th, 2024) Afternoon my beloved fans of FNAF, Minecraft, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and SCP: Containment Breach!!! How's it going so far!?!?!!!!!

2024 PCC Character Teaser Poster #15 (Created on: May 13th, 2024) Well guys, after months of waiting, the Character Teaser Posters (CTPs) series is FINALLY back!!!!

The Character Teaser Poster (CTP) Banner Poster Shrine of All Parody and Cameo Characters of Series/Season 3 (Part Two Only!!) - (Created on: March 7th to April 2nd of 2024) Hello and afternoon folks!!! The folks of Minecraftia here!!!!!! #LookAtThis!!!!

(#MinecraftiaParodyHandW Chronicle #1) Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day of 2024" - Hey my beloved fans of Minecraft, Crash Bandicoot, and FNAF!!!!! How's it going so far here?!?!!!! Hope you're all sleeping well on the last day of March of 2024!!!