If you'd rather listen to a video of me summarizing the the update, please click here. I don't plan to post regularly on that channel besides these updates, so please keep that in mind.
This update will mainly be focusing on PLOT, PUZZLES and CODING.

The main outline of the plot has been 50% figured out, with key events and character arcs/development being roughly completed. Daybreak is intended to follow the same layout as YTTD, with three chapters split into two parts (Chapter 1a and b, Chapter 2a and b, and etc), however if there's really too much plot, I'll consider adding a fourth chapter. I'm not sure if there'll end up being a demand for it, but I won't stunt game-flow in favor of keeping within three chapters.
The remaining 50% of the plot that needs to be figured out is specifically the entirety of Ch3, and some key exploration parts and critical story options in Ch2. I personally think this'll take some time simply because a large part of YTTD was exploration and mini-games (the attractions cough) and since I'm not planning for a segment similar to Ch2a of YTTD, I need to compensate with something engaging. Or, at least, those are my thoughts.
I also need to consider deaths outside of the Main Game, and interesting ways to use the role cards. I really enjoyed the 'shin'anigans that occurs with the Sacrifice, Sage, Keymaster cards, so I want to reflect that a little more in my fan-game.
All in all, what I need to focus on here is:
Key Exploration segments in Ch2a and Ch3a;
Story-critical choices that occur in Ch2 and potentially Ch3;
Rough plot for Ch2 and Ch3, and;
Deaths that may or may not occur outside the Main Games, and the significance they have on the other characters/plot

Puzzles are insanely difficult to come up with. I'm not very far in making the puzzles, simply because they take up a lot of brain power and cleverness to think of. I need to think of a way to make the puzzles/mini-games engaging, not too difficult to play, but more importantly, not too difficult to code. I am not a coder and have no prior experience with making games, with RPGMaker or otherwise, so I'm trying to not make things so hard for myself.
That being said, the puzzles I have come up with I do enjoy, and the people I've talked with about them say that they are interesting! Which is obviously good news. I'll ramble a little about my favorite puzzle, but I'll put it in the spoiler tab so you may skip if you'd like.
The puzzle itself is named "Turtle's Testimony", in which the protagonist needs to cross-examine and analyze Turtle's testimony to the murder of his friend, Snake. The puzzle itself is meant to be a little reminiscent of Ace Attorney, where the protagonist will have access to 'evidence' and 'statements' to help break apart Turtle's words, and find the true culprit.
The puzzle is meant to pull the player away from the Death Game even for a little bit, and also to set the bar for some of the more logic-based puzzles that are going to be put in the game.
Some feedback I got from this particular puzzle was that it was something that felt original and made the reviewer actually use logic, which I felt was quite high praise.
All in all, I need the most help with puzzles, but they're not totally crucial as of yet.

I am not a coder. Let me reiterate: I am not a coder. I have no prior experience, I have no education regarding it, and neither do I have someone else doing it for me.
And yes, it's really hellish!
I'm learning a lot, to be fair, and when I'm in the mood to fail and fail again, it's actually quite fun and entertaining to play around with the controls and things like that.
I have hit a stump, however. As you might well know, YTTD has a system where you can "Store Statements" and then "Apply Statements", something of which I struggle with. Having to use a shit-ton of variables and switches is hard for a non-coder like me, and it's probably time I hit the RPGMaker forums and ask for help. I will probably no understand half of the jargon used, but I reckon that it's worth a shot asking a question and potentially getting an answer I can follow a long with.
That was quite a large update! I'll try to post these large updates between a fortnight or a month, and update this page with smaller content here and there.
Thank you for reading this, and I'll see you next time!
Twitter: yapsatcha
Tumblr: yttd-daybreak
Youtube: yapintha
Kofi: yapps