16 days ago

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I'm going to be very busy so I might post the daily ralsei later than usual

Daily ralsei day 110

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Next up

Hello everyone! Almost weekend (≧∇≦)/ I really need a break, this week was quite tough for me TwT

Daily ralsei day 126

Hello everyone! Today I have a math exam, I hope it goes well, I'm a little stressed:<

Daily ralsei day 124

Hello everyone! Yesterday I had a math exam TwT it wasn't very difficult but I got a little nervous

Daily ralsei day 119

[ * I'm excited for the next chapters, they said chapter 3 was basically finished! ]

Hello everyone! FINALLY WEEKEND ( ✧Д✧) YES!!

Finally I can rest TwT

Daily ralsei 127


I have no time

Daily ralsei day 122

Hello everyone! Tomorrow is Monday! And I hope you start this week with enthusiasm :D

Daily ralsei day 120

It's Summer Time!!!

Which is melting season for me...

Hello everyone! I'm almost on vacation and that means I'll finally be able to rest from school, I'm so happy ≧﹏≦

Daily ralsei day 117