Going Into The Bank!!!
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Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #2 (Mr. Glumpty Plant's Teaser) - Created on: June 28th, 2024 (Originally Created: July 5th, 2018) Afternoon everybody!!! Here's today's last and FINAL parody-like project, and it's something else here folks!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #1 (1st Teaser) - Created on: June 28th, 2024 (Originally Created: July 1st, 2018) Morning/Afternoon everybody!!! Today we have something which I haven't done for like a very long time now!!!

Mr. Puzzle's SMG4 Movie & Show Collection Banner Shrine - (Created on: June 28th, 2024) Afternoon everybody!!!! I know I'd said before that I was done showing off some of the parody projects that made for today here on June 28th, 2024, but here's this!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #3 (Larr's Teaser) - Created on: June 29th, 2024 (Originally Created: July 6th, 2018) See folks?? I told you all I'll be creating something for today and everything!!! Once again, we have another #JJSteaserPoster!!! #YEAH!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #15 (For Of-Vaw-Dozen "Therrance") - Created on: June 22nd, 2024 Look everybody!!! Remembered I'd told you guys from before like a few days ago!!!??!?!!!!! Like creating future parody-like projects all from/by me of course!!!!?!??!!!

Afternoon FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and MSM (My Singing Monsters) fans out there in the wild, it's been a very long time hasn't it!??!?!!!!

Afternoon everybody!!! Today's June 23rd, 2024, and it appears that Jax Justun Studios has done it again!!!! We're showing off once again past #ParodyCameoCharacters that we'd talked about from the past months here in 2024!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #11 - (Created on: June 28th, 2024) (Bonus: HHS Classified Recalled Logo #VersionOne) Well guys, today's June 28th, 2024, and for this morning's of course, a special day!!!! By the way, today's my day off as well too!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #16 & #17 (For Niles & SMG0 "Zero") - Both Created on: June 24th, 2024 Afternoon everybody!!!!! Didn't all expect that I'd made something for today huh??? Well I did alright!!! TWO to be exact here!!!!! #YepTwo!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #10 - (Created on: June 23rd, 2024) Good Morning everybody!!!! I told you guys I'll be making yet another #HHSparodyCharacter #CartoonPoster!!!!! And today's June 23rd, 2024, and it's a special one at that!!!!!