As you may all know by now, since the March 1st, 2024, we've been creating more and more future updates showing off our own projects, parody mascots/characters, and of course, many other designs for our very own future parody games!!!! Sadly though, the people of both Jax Justun Studios and Minecraftia are having less updates then us!!!!!
So, we decided to take a few days off and just relax and have some positive breaks and whatnot in order to let our partners create their amazing future work and everything!!! This is because time's getting more faster these days and we need to make sure to let both JJS and Minecraftia have their own personal parody-like creations as well!!!! We appreciate the most positive waitings for our parody-like businesses here!!!
And don't worry folks, Napature and Haxx Hustun Studios will be back and return with some more future updates shortly after our breaks!!!! Have a nice and most positively relaxing goodnight sleep/rest and have a wonderful day!!!! #NaptureScienceAnd #HaxxHustunStudiosWillBoth #ReturnAfterTheirPositiveBreaks!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #StayPositivePeople!!!!!!!!