The workers from Haxx Hustun Studios, the Jax Justun Studios Foundation, and Minecraftia had found something that was used to be experimented on people, things, and objects!!!!! It's known as "Miayonic Sleep"!!!!!! A gel-like liquid that's kind of like drug-thingy that turns people/humans, things/creatures, and objects/items & stuff into some strange and dangerous parody monsters of something!!!!
We don't want to go into further details on this strange #HHSelemental, but we'll tell you all more about this around during the summertime of 2024!!!!! For now, just sit tight for more answers and questions, goodnight of course, have a relaxing-ness of a day, and see you all next time!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!