Hello . I come back . Now I am going to try be more online . In this time , I am working on animes . But in the same time , I am taking "Anime verison of OC" Request . you can reach me in the comments . Thanks : )
Next up
Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan by : me Eh . I like aot and I am making fanarts . I hope you like . #attackontitan #aot #ruzgy
ORAA !!!
"Hey there . What are you looking for ?"
Firetale Papyrus Pixelart
( Yes . I'm not saying "by me" anymore :D )
Hot Time from two red skele-bros
AU by : Ruzgy ( me )
Sans Draw by : @D3Artist_0ff1c1al
Papyrus Draw by : Blades
Firetale Sans Fight Draw by : @Firetale_Original "So we will do it with Hard way =)" #Firetale #Firetaleriseoflames #Ruzgy
New Undertale Oc for Me by : @Firetale_Original #ruzgy #teamfired yes.
Firetale Sans
Battle Sprite by : @Kirbo_Sans
Overworld Sprite by : @Christmas_Fox3715
AU by : Ruzgy ( me )
Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan by : me Well... Not so good but I like it and I want to send .