so it was due to the fact of the exp problem to get lv and also cause i like the game i wanted to give an idea:
make it possible to get 1 to 3 enemy in one fight cause it boring when you can simply kill it in one hit
make enemy give a fix amount of exp cause you can grind in the ruin and one shot all monster in it to farm and it lame (intresting consept tho for the random exp amount but still)
also either less exp to get an lv or the underswap AU give more than 1 to a 100 exp cause 7000exp to gain an lv it long so yeah
and make new random enemy that have a low percent chance to appear and they are very hard to kill but give you 100 exp cause i assume it the max that you want to be and the same with gold (you are not force to do that cause i assume that it hard to make enemy and all that)
and pls add equipement cause we die so fast