3 years ago

Hello, it is I, Noe, I made this cosplay in summer 2019. I'm "known" for it, I guess. Yea hi



Next up

Drew this a day before the game came out, I just didn't post it until now

I like to think that most of the characters, specially character/B0NN13, bump their heads into doors and such because they're too tall

Happy birthday to me!

Yes today it is my birthday, I've been on this world for 16 years

So I drew a happy looking character/FR3DDY for myself, have a nice day!

To the aproximately 2 people that still care about this game, here's a custom character/F0XY I made :)

And yes I plan on making the rest of the crew

Performing just like they used to...

Due to the game being well-accepted by more people that I hoped it would, here's a friendly picture of the animatronics ;)

Don't ask me what happened with character/F0XY. I, in fact, don't know

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

Seems character/FR3DB3AR still won't jumpscare you. My only guess is that the waiting time is too long. It's weird because I've followed a tutorial for his coding. And yet he doesn't work.

I'm gonna have a week quite full of exams, but I'll try to fix it.

Ah?- I forgot to draw something related to this game for Halloween? Sorry sorry! Have a late character/FR3DDY doodle with a pumpkin on his head

After Hours at Triple Js' - June 10th Devlog

Dum dum deedle dum dum..