3 months ago

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted anything.

Sorry for that! I had some things to take care of.

Overall, Development has slowed down. I mean, I'm just 1 person working on it with some help from spriters.

I definitely lost the big motivation I had before, but I still got enough to work on it, and even if I don't. I just have to force myself to work on it, even if it's like, small progress as long as I do something.. maybe change something, add something or just add some new things in the notepad list.

My schedule is also kind of messed up, I usually do work at night instead of day time because that's the time I usually get access to my PC. Hence why I feel tired sometimes when I didn't do much. I just force myself to work or just drink coffee though, so it's actually fine. It's just something that happens to me every so often.

Anyway, here's the interesting part!
How was the development going?

Pretty well, again it slowed down. But I pointed it out already(I think...) that the Main Menu is now finished! Like, entirely finished. Right now I'm working on the file select? what do you even call it... idk I call it file select.
It's nearing completion as well, just a few things left to do as long as I don't get any new ideas.

Planning to give a few people the mod after the file select's done to get their feedback on what should be changed. Maybe there's something I didn't consider, or just stuff.
Although, If there is feedback I'm confident the number one concern will be the dialogue. IT SUCKS. Maybe, I don't know. I'm not a smart person.

But anyway, Not related to the mod but a few days ago, I did get somewhat distracted from the mod because I and someone else were doing some sprites for my OC. Yeah, I got a OC which is on my profile picture(ty, rest for drawing it!!!). I'm somewhat planning to show off the OC in action in the future during BIG SHOT development aswell as maybe making a video that properly introduces the character... I don't know, haha. Originally it was going to be in the next mod after this, but I might have some different plans after big shot. It's personal and I don't want to talk about it much.

I'm totally yapping right now, but if you got to this point and read all of this, so wow. I'm somehow impressed. I want to show something but I dunno what... Can't really show the file select as the structure isn't complete unlike main menu when I showed it, so it wouldn't look as good. Yeah I got nothing, sorry. I might try to speed up development but idk.

Anyway, that's all. My next post is definitely gonna be a sneak peek or something similar, so I doubt I'll post anything else until then. Although, if there are some questions anyone has, you can ask them in the comments and I might answer them depending on what it is. I'm gonna go now and do some work now. I completely missed out today.



Next up

So far, there have been multiple changes with the menu itself. I'm thinking what else I could add/improve in the menu itself. I'll probably do a post when I'm actually done with the menu.

New Thumbnail, it's basic, but it's better in my opinion. Anyway, the menu and whatever are getting updated and improved! No, I have still not touched the battle or cutscene yet. I'll probably be done with the menu soon.

Update 1 is delayed. by "delayed." I don't mean like. "On Hold" like Sans's Deception. It's more of a "taking a little longer to finish it."

real inspect menu???

The Mod is now back to development! I won't say the release date but it's now back in development. You can have this as sorry for a long wait

Okay, this isn't big or anything but the File Select is now complete! It's entirely functional and everything seems to work fine! So it's now finished.

wow, been 2 weeks.

So, i would send something but nah.

However, the first page is almost fully complete! Maybe, just maybe i'll be able to show the progress. you can have this i guess, it's the new notepad sprites plus a mini version for some reason???

apparently i ran out of content to serve people in my basement so now i have to send unfinished stuff... please enjoy this dish. it's clearly not finished and will probably take 3 years to finish from now on...

been a while, huh? Well, I'm back now! I did more stuff for the mod. Today I did a second page for the controls This isn't all I did but I'll drop smth if I can, haha. Do not ask me about the notepad, please