I am going to announce that me and Detective games are going to find out the official timeline of THSMC for more accurate fangames and for my THSMC movie to all work out. This will be the biggest THSMC thing ever. If you want to help out, then you are welcome to join
Hello my fellow THSMC fans, it is I MrShell.
Next up
My first attempt at a mashup, still needs work
Here's something I just finished working on. Behold! The Ruler of Reality
THSMC is impossible, and here's why, after 3 years, I've finally got up to the challenge and recorded evidence. (this is the Triple Threat Ending)
New gameplay trailer showing off some... interesting... new mechanics.
YouTube version with peak captions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5YQotvlCEQ
I was able to edit the music within Sonic Adventure 2, this is how it turned out. I changed the music file for the Sonic vs Shadow fight.
A closer look at the (first) new battle features we've been teasing! Quite a few new features have been added. ✨
I made the Murder Drones Song: Eternal Dream audio compressed... *insert joke*
I announce that me and @p3ngu1nc05 will be working on this Riddle School Fangame, he will compose some tracks for the game, while I will code and do the art.
...Is this, like, still the same rocket?
First room of the game, I know it looks like RT2 but trust me, it will go along with the story