Those Nights at Villca's Reappearance
10 months ago


first say thanks for the 70 followers, seriously guys thanks keep supporting :,)

Another thing, remember this publication?


Maybe (do not confirm anything), it is the release date of a game that has to do with this project as it says in the post, it will not be the release date of the Tnav reappearance

well since I have nothing more to say since we only have the game menu, I present to you the hand lol




Next up

Chu Chu

The next update of TNAV 2 will be the latest released related to TNAV CE.

Then I will get a statement that I'll leave these games permanently

Table 👍

Thank you all!

Help Wanted!

(My discord: darkrevenger360 )

Those Nights at Villca's 2: Welcome back! CE

V. 1.3.2 - Last Update