Last night, we received some messages from AliceFQ and Ray Wattson. Alice said that there are some few issues (like traced artworks, characters that no need to be in, stolen voicelines and ripped-off sprites) in that MFHvPD game. Speaking of which, Ray said there are some sprites having made other people's hard work pasted over mine or these being reskinned. Also the "original" TRoAS game has copied puzzles, dialogues, ideas and some boss fights from their games. Well, I'm afraid that I have to remove two of these game builds temporarily from the public tomorrow (in order to avoid more problems before it gets worse) until all of the issues that MFHvPD had were fixed and TRoAS game gets reworked. Don't worry, this isn't the end, these game pages will stay up. Please don't go attack them, it's not helping. Support these hardwork they made. God... Stealing ideas and asserts from other games was never good idea. I'll try my best fixing all of the issues for MFHvPD and reworking TRoAS game, so stay tuned.
I hope you guys understand.