Lina's AppleTree Babies
25 days ago

Hellow and Welcome to the Plants&Gardens Community!

I'm LinaWorker the owner of this community.

I'm hoping to see your plants/plant related content here while I post mine too.

I also welcome our collaboraters and thanks them for helping me out

Ween was this community created and by who?

The community got created on the 08.06.2024 by none other but the owner aka me @LinaWorker

Why was this community made?

I made this community because just like with my Story/Writing community I couldn't find an community for this and felt like it be a good thing to have so I took it on myself to make one.

What do the chats mean?

Community Updates & Info's:
Any Updates, Info's, ect will be posted here for your Informational needs

general is Just your typical general chat for pretty much anything even so plant and garden related topics are favorite more. I would also like to ask you the keep the Picture posting in general at a minimum.

In questions you can ask for anything plant and garden related like: "what's this insect, what's this plant, will I poison myself ween I try to eat this?,, and much more ^^

If you have a photo of your garden, your plants, or wild plants here is where you be posting that.

All type of art related with plants like: "art of plants, art made with plants, art with lots of plants in it,, in general all art with plants and gardens. Oh yea and art in gardens count too ^^

More chats are coming in the future.

Who are the collaborators?

@LinaWorker Owner




I can't really think of more Info to add here so please have fun cheeking out the community now.



Next up

Hey I know I'm posting them late again because I had the pictures on my phone & was kind of busy with stuff but hey you're getting two post of them today

before & after I watered them

I hope you're enjoying the pictures and semi daylie post so far

now that my phone all charged up, have the photos I tryd to shoot interestingly to make the post seem more interesting and get more people interested in my little project

When I remember or someone reminds me I edited this post later today

I went out and made some photos for y'all


Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

See a lot more clothes then before ^^" uhm so the OG design had a skirt, the new one had pants, but I liked the skirt more ^^" + the idea of her is to be a Smexy Betch

I do feel like I have to work on the drawing a bit more. But for now it seems okay ^^"

Finally opened a shop on Spoonflower for a couple people who wanted some of my ol' cat patterns on fabrics, so I'll be making more designs for that on occasion (really enjoy it).

Here's one I made yesterday in Krita with a couple variations.

Btw I forgot to mention!

The fish don't have to be a living being. I do prefer if it is but for what I'm planning on using them it would even make more sense if they are not ^^

Just to let y'all know

Good thing I didn't start with the Hedgehog XD

God damn I didn't expect that, cool ^^

Today I saw these flowers unknown to me. I found them quite beautiful. 🌸

Remember when I wrote that I repotted pot5 a bit shirtless, yeah that's me lul XD only wearing my sports bra because I'm in my garden meaning I can do what I want. If I want to walk around butt free I'm free to do so lul (I'm german)