Hey! I'm back, and as you may have seen in the title, I need help with the game, I don't need new character models or a programmer, what I need is just someone that can work when I can't, I mean, I need someone to make renders, rooms etc.
Why would I need help with those things If I can do it by myself? Well, there's a point in development where everything is almost done but at the same time isn't, where you get bored of working in some parts of the game, where you want to do something, like coding but then you realize: "Aww, I need to do this first before I can get it into the game but I don't want to do it right now." So, what I need is someone to make that first thing that way I can get that thing into the game and as a result the entire game will be finished earlier.
So, what do you have to do to join the team? Just send a friend request on Discord ( -SMGlee-#2894 ), then show me what you can do, I over all need people that use C4D, but If you work on anything else, I'll think what we can do. After you tell me what you can do, then It's up to me to choose you or not.