3 months ago


(please read article)

Please can you guys follow ans support @FeralPossum he's not in a good financial and we have to help him

There's a post if you want to know all


I'm very bad on English I'm so fucking sorry

For Spanish people

Pueden aser tipo support y follow al man?

Ya que no está en buenas condiciones y el debe muchas cosas con tu ayuda y si compartes esto con gente lo estarás ayudando más

Si te interesa los comisiones pues el Man tiene tipo una tiendo de comisiónes bueno la verdad no se como funciona pero bueno

Solo ayudenlo ya que el necesita más ayuda que nadie



Next up

Before I leave can you support this account?

There's is he's user name @clait242 just support him as the same as me

Me be like :

Were 50+ on Mario's Madness Community LET'S A-GOOOO

#MostFearedMob Magma Cubes are a fucking menace, me and the boys had so much trouble dealing with them when we got into the nether

I mighttt name him Tyler!! Instead of Dino boy lol

I'll still be coming up with names tho


It's time to say goodbye!! :D

Freddy design for Felix's

My official community will be deleted too