FNaFood World Deluxe DX HD Director's Cut Remastered Reimagined Remake All Stars Collection + Bowser's Minions 2D Flat Mode
10 months ago

help save me from myself



Next up

Tomorrow (hopefully), get ready to watch the episode that nearly took an entire year to make, not because it's long, but because of procrastination and FNaFood World DX.

There's also a teaser for this episode in FNaFood World DX's debug room. Neat.


happy new year season 3 episode 14 is here with the grill gang milking lethal company watch this uber cool scene from the episode

I... I'm not sure if I know what this game is supposed to even be about anymore.

Fast Nachos Dies (2022, Colorized)

That's right, not only can Ricardo die in Ricardo World Deluxe DX HD Director's Cut Remastered Reimagined Remake All Stars Collection + Bowser's Minions 2D Flat Mode, but Fast Nachos can too while advertising his merch!

Merry Christmas!

Tune in on December 31st at 12 pm PST for the five year anniversary of Mongolian Grill AND our first (and probably last) ever NintenGrill Direct with news about The Adventures of Mongolian Grill, Ricardo World DX, and more!

This New Years' Day at 12 am PST, get ready for the episode that isn't Pokèmongolian Grill and only took a week to be made because trend-hopping is cool and also I haven't worked on Pokèmongolian Grill for like two years now.

Wouldn't it be really funny if I added an achievement that required you to kill 17,988 Beans?

Ricardo Dies (2022, Colorized)

Also, the Ricardo World DX update is still being worked on, I am just a procrastinator who thought it'd be a good idea to include a f#%k ton of stuff in this update. So it's gonna be a while before it's done.

There's a sneak peak for Koopa's final song in the new announcement video on the Ooglee Mongolian Grill Channel…

Full video: https://youtu.be/PF7AUMeIoHE?feature=shared

watch out for the anniversary 2morrow