If you want to help, friend one of the following
@CJCreations358, @Valdibee , @Pastel_Python16, or Me either on GameJolt or Discord (CJCreations#1860, Micro#9665, Valdibee#3619, and Pastel_Python16#2553).
(CJ voices Candy Toad from Sonic Coffees 2 btw.)
The game is called Drax Freeze, a 2D FNaF fangame. as said work cannot progress without an artist and voice actors.
(Game Page:https://gamejolt.com/games/DraxFreeze/561848)
(Casting Call:https://www.castingcall.club/projects/project-d-f)
The Casting Call will be closed on June 22nd, If we don't have enough voice actors by then. a second one will be established.
Taken Roles: Drax The T-Rex, Tailow the Dove, and Cartoon Drax.
and I ask anyone at this point please help us out here, CJ had this Series in mind for nearly a year, our team doesn't want to disappoint.