Lilly world

15 days ago

Help wanted

Voice actors needed

Lily: Me

Johny rabbit monster/cardboardcutout:@Enixthecoolguy

Benny spider cardboard cut out: @Enixthecoolguy

Bobby butterfly cardboard cut out:@Garbot2013

izzy aka Player:@Simp_4_MommyLongLegs

Contact me on discord

Discord :smuggleywugggley_artz

Coders needed:

Map builder:


3d modeler:


Artist: @lezgame @Enixthecoolguy



Next up

Would you know what lies beneath these play house walls?

New render this is a concept model

.....I fucked up but in the same way I could fix it...

Athstetic warning

@Hasannn fuck off-

Anyways I updated my bio!

Getting ready for pride month!!!

So I recently been working on a project here's a monster concept there's a scrapped design and a final design

Just some expression test

Dose anyone know how to make freeroam 3d games cause if so could you help me out with my game

Wowzer never let Molly drive a plane again-