
2 days ago

Help Wanted!

So ummmmm... Basically I'm still having trouble with the Android stuff, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need some help compiling the new update to Android. If there's anyone out there who uses GameMaker Studio 2 and is willing to help with the Android builds, please contact me! (ama.nei on Discord)

If I end up not finding anyone, when everything is done I'll probably go ahead and release the update to Windows first, then continue to try to get it to work on Android.

Stay Determined! - AMA

#helpwanted #underfell



Next up

AMA!Underfell - Progress Report #9

Another Small Update

AMA!Underfell - Progress Report #8

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

AMA!Underfell - Progress Report #7

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

(Another) Indefinite Hiatus


No Progress Report this month.