Luigi's star Re-Written
1 month ago

HELP WANTED! (Read article)

Hey everyone as you all know I am making a game called Luigi's star re-written, witch is a re-write of (you guessed it) Luigi's star, but I am the only one with some members helping me with sprites working on this game, so if you want to help out on this game, that would be very apreciated. (I am just saying)



Next up

Where is our brother at this time?

Someday, the truth will unravel.

The LUIGI DEMO Is out now! Thank you for being pacient

Off to an Adventure we go!

Hey luigi, you look diffrent

Re-incarnated BOX ART

Hello there! Hope you're enjoying the LUIGI DEMO for Super Mario Bros Re-incarnated, The TOAD DEMO is halfway through completion. here are some things that will be added in the TOAD DEMO!

This is going to be VERY INTRESSTING

He's waiting for your arrival.

Something very special awaits.