Fact Number 1:
did you know that bobby bilson was going to appear as a easter egg character in a fnati 1.0 recode/revival by @Disamol ?, sadly due to the game's cancellation bobby bilson lost yet another chance at being in a game, even just as a easter egg, he would've basically been the nsm from 6.0, here is how he looks in the camera:

Fact Number 2:
the first game where bobby bilson was gonna appear in was a game called "Bobby Bilson's Pizzeria" or something like that, it would've been a mod for Malrat's NBD v1 and would've tried to improve the game (aka making the nights shorter), it got cancelled because... i never started anything on it lmao
okay, that is now seriously everything there is to know about bobby bilson, you now know everything there is to know about him, bye.