
1 year ago

Here is a funny little thing i am making. sometimes maybe they explode :)

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I've just remade a main part of the website. as i found when testing that you could be locked out of your account just by changing your name then going back into the account page. so i just changed the COOKIE data into a UserID to get around that.

I was messing around in a class then made a first person game for no reason. around 3 months later i though of adding multiplayer to it and now we have this it works but you can just walk around and look at a turret as it looks back at you :)

here is a red boy he is slow as shisssss

Here is what the enemy's health bar looks like i Hope you guys like it and in the next update that you guys can play with i hope you guys like it too.

I made some water for the game. It was made because it looks cool :)

I thought for the website to have something people can review that I've created. So I thought I would create on the side a game that would be intergated with the site. if you have any thoughts please tell me :)

Here's what the Automatic Rifle looks like in the game but it will not be the Finial stuff this is just to get something out because I like make things look nice. Hope you guys Enjoy!!

I've been working on the main site and then the admin pannel so I can ban or help people. It also needs some work but I mean your not going to see this for a while. if i ever get help running the site I'll show off the updates to the site.

ok i got bored and thought how could i do character animations for Dave. and thought of the half-life 1 way of getting the mouths to move then made a crap model to just put a bone in its mouth open and close. also this isn't going into Dave.

I think i'll put a new version of dave for you guys to download because its been a while. I hope you guys like the update and I do think there is a couple bugs like the enemies not being able to move because Unity (not kidding)