
4 years ago

Here is "Blue"'s tileset along with grey's (blue's one is the one next to grey on the right side), and all the choices I went through before I settled on 1. What do you think about the other ones? I might used one or two later in the game.



Next up

School has started for me again so progress on Blue is on hold. In the meantime, I've ported Blue to web! It's available now one Blue's page. This is still one of my first ports to web so I hope it isn't buggy.

Working on the layout and cutscenes in the next 2 sections of the game. I've almost finished it in the first section of the game. The next thing I will be working on is the items and icons for the items and cutscenes.

ADOFAI Level 1-X A Dance of Fire and Ice

first drawing in a long time, a bit rusty

Hair colours in Blue.

Hello! I've turned some of the art in Blue into wallpapers for you guys. I also made some wallpapers of events to come in the game. They are available to download now and I plan to add more, including phone wallpapers, when I have the time to make them.

Some results of the toon shader and stylized shadow shader I made for practice.

ManiFesto(Hard 6) with Amiya- Monster Siren Records - Muse Dash X Arknights

Hello, I'm currently working on the areas in Blue. Finished the layout of the final area, just need to do the 4th area now. Almost 4 out of the 5 areas are done in terms of layout and I just need to find the time to finish make the tilesets for them.

Oshama Scramble (Hard 7) Full Combo in Muse Dash