4 months ago

Here is my review for Sonic Prime.

I’m not usually involved in the Sonic community but this show was pretty good but I also had a lot of complaints. It has that a multiversal theme most media has now these days. I would like to say that the animation was very smooth even when I prefer 2D animation and most of the characters are enjoyable. A problem I have though with the characters is that some are kind of flat or just annoying, an example being the Chaos Council, constantly bickering and arguing. I also felt that there should of been more dimensions and more creative ones than the ones we got in the show. They had so much potential with them and just didn’t, instead doing basic stuff. Last thing to complain about was that I didn’t like Season 3 because I get even though it’s the final battle and climax of the show, the last season shouldn’t of taken place in the same place for almost all the episodes.

(Rusty Rose was my favorite by the way.)



Next up

Houdini Splicer fight in 1998 mode - Bioshock: Infinite (Burial at Sea: Episode 2)

Here’s a drawing of Doc Scratch and Lord English from Homestuck, Death from Problem Sleuth, and an assortment of other random drawings over the past 2 weeks or so.

(These new art styles are really working good for me.)

Did something for school showing my love for Homestuck. I feel like my art is worse than everyone else’s to be honest when I draw in my artstyle. (All the Homestuck stuff I drew while looking at but myself is me in my artstyle without a reference.)

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀

#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

After a year of promising I would do this and instead messing around and being lazy, I finally did it! Here’s the animatronics’ behaviors on the map for FNAC Remastered! Enjoy. (Also, credit me if you show this to others.)

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

It feels weird each time I get a year older. (Aka, it’s my birthday.)

Here is my review for Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro. (spoilers ahead)

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

This is my review for Hazbin Hotel season 1.

(Note that I just enjoy the show and it doesn’t reflect my ideas on religion since I’m atheist.)