🌱Peashooter Nights 🌕

2 years ago

Here is some old old stuff of early early development before the game had a coder

I still love these designs till this day but i’m still gonna keep the new ones still (maybe The older ones will be skins for peashooter nights replanted, also sorry that there has not been any news recently about PN 2 i’m still planning on some things about it



Next up

I know this is off-topic but...

Upcoming collab video with me and my friend, @Void_Peashooter ! Hope y'all watch us play KTANE! We had a lot of fun playing it and here's the thumbnail!

Hey guys! Good news! Taste is gonna be playing the quiz tomorrow at Sunday, 9 PM EST / 5 PM PST!

Stay tuned, and I will be there for a couple hours! (So that I can help Taste get through the hard questions ofc lol)

did this on MS paint. hope yall enjoy it

It's time for...

Hey guys! I know this game, has been in my game page for like, almost 2 years now, and I have a very special announcement!

I will be RECODING FNaSf! (Read article for more details)

Impossible Quiz fans out here? It's been 15 years... Can you STILL remember? You still remember it? Hope so... :)

Hey guys! Good news!

my fan art!