(Official) One Night At Gart RETAKE 2.0
11 months ago

Here is something I can 100% say

Gart 2 won't happened

Don't even try to ask why



Next up

The Love Story of Xubur and Sonic

Ft: @xubur_cat

Good one gamejolt!

Keep destroying your website with useless bullshit that no one likes!

Seriously tf is going on with this site


I made a Max jumpscare

Hello fartass!

Update on this game: The game is already finished and I think that I will be able to post the game in a few days

So about this game

Devlog 1

(forgot to post on gamepage)

If I'm not mistaken my first game that I ever played was Super Contra, because my family bought a crappy famiclone that had the game build in #SoundOffSunday