1 month ago

here's a commission i got from a twitch streamer!

first time drawing a kirin so it's pretty bad compared to my other stuff-



Next up

why did i post 2 good morning posts,,,

goob morning everypony.,..,,


she doesn't like showering smh

Burnatina is so happy that #BattleGemPonies Launch Day is almost here! - Art by MiniKrasnyy

as expected no one's participated in my art contest

but I'll wait till the 20 days are up to start bitching :3333 /j

Your BGP Adventure kicks off with meeting the young Professor Bucky of Equestrian Labs. See what mission he has in store for you when Battle Gem Ponies releases May 23rd!

why are people so into exaggerated features

bro i want my girl to be looking like a human, not the Michelin man