24 days ago

Here's a marketable bead pattern for underswap yellow kanako I'll probably take a picture of the bead once I make it for now you can make it yourself I hope you enjoy and I'll do another poll next week stay COOL!!!!



Next up

Here’s one of my best Minecraft builds hope you like it #MinecraftBuild

If you want to apply to work on Nicooltale friend request me and then you will go into a interview where I will ask what job your applying for an example of previous work and if I can trust you good luck and I hope to see you on the team

Got this idea from @TEPtheDev to draw for whatever character the next 4 people who follow will take the five slots so write them in the comments after you follow whoever is the most creative on ideas will earn a spot good luck everyone and get thinking

let me just open my menu OH WHAT THE-

Here is me vs Scott cawthon’s avatar in paper Mario the thousands years door form I hope you like it and if this post does well I might do another game poll to make fan art of thank you


The little big planet serves recently shut down but the server that hold all the community levels has not if you want your voice to be heard and tell Sony you still want to play those little big planet levels sign this https://chng.it/NXh2nWj6Jm petition

Happy 9th anniversary FNaS and happy 7th anniversary Bendy to celebrate I thought of a version of FNaS that has yoshi take the role of sonic called dusk at yoshi’s if you would like more of this au get this post to 15 like thanks for viewing

Outertale sans

Here's the 2nd request from the you think I draw it post this request is from @keto34 which all they said was to make a war so I did a storyshift version of the war from undertales intro cutscene I hope you all like it and look forward to what's next