22 days ago

Here's a picture of green slime for #FanArtFriday




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Considering gamejolt is asking for our favorite mascot, in terms of favoriting games, I think from either Mario, Sonic and scarily Freddy, Bf and Sans would possibly be most of the gamejolt community's favorite mascots, just to be fair.

Because I have an oc named Magma that's literally the artsite of Magma, I decided to curate an oc named ibis based off of ibis

This is based of a comment I've mentioned to @counter_ace after they dropped there older self-insert, and stating that because of it, our old self inserts would be wildin' with each other-

(Sorry for not posting for 2 days in advance)


The teenage mutant ninja turtles-

(I don't hate Bowser but I'm going to break this trend a bit, Leo and Mike are wearing mario and Luigi hats lmao

come on they have their own video game-)

Hi I'm baldi, nice to meet you

Found these whole sketches the top is some of my 2 main characters homeworld classmates from school

The bottom there is sketches of Fishy and a bit of Karlishy (Karl × Fishy) along with Scarlet

Fun fact: You can play angry birds on YouTube. I am not kidding.

Updating Scarlet half-demon form a bit from quite a while