Hey, I left this here for some more insight:
There is one problem with having a game that used to have ROBLOX's built-in join features, because it's a remake on another platform..
How are you supposed to join your friends and servers you like?
Yeah, seems like a pretty major issue. No worries, I'm used to stuff like this, and have compiled this incredibly barebones concept!
Here's how it works:
When the player boots into the game, on whatever platform the aforementioned remake is made on, they don't immediately join a lobby.
I mean, it's an obvious security flaw, right? You just join someone and your entire router gets beamed. Instead of that, they join this fancy little main menu! Or just a server, friend, and game starter.
How (I'd imagine) it'd work is, well, there are servers the game automatically finds, and shows you. These are dedicated servers by people who want to host a session of Anime Cross, and because of that, it should be pretty secure and easily moderated between server owners.
You eventually end up picking one by clicking with the mouse, and then pressing 'Join Lobby'.
Of course, you can add more servers you find via 'Add Server To Start-Up List', where you type the IP of the server you want to add into that list of yours, or by simply adding friends.
Refreshing simply does the check for servers again, like we're all used to, and the 'Sort Servers' button effectively helps you find the perfect server in the list for your own mood.
Oh yeah, there's a friends list.
If you find someone you just really want to play again with, or have a friend you'd rather just join in a private server instead, you can use the Private Host, and Join Friends buttons to enter lobbies no one else can see but you and your friends.
I'm not entirely sure if everything would work fine without port-forwarding tho.. can't forsee stuff like that until the game is actually made.