The story picks up where Sonic X left off, exploring the lives of the Mobians after their return to Mobius. In this series, we highlight a rich and respectful story of the characters you love, while giving them each their moments of glory.
One of the big additions to this adventure will be Johaïtan Lacorffe (aka Jone The Bat) who will play a central role in the series, as well as Sonic too. We also decided to revisit and expand on the relationship between Jone and Rouge (Jonouge), with particular attention to avoiding any awkwardness or problematic treatment.
We are committed to creating a faithful, captivating and respectful experience, while bringing a new dimension to this incredible universe.
Stay tuned for more info, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure on Mobius with “Sonic X: Wings of Destiny” which is in the idea phase at the moment!
Your support means a lot to us! So, share, comment and spread the word!
-M. Lacorffe & Cie TEAM ⚡🦇🎬
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