Yumemi - Hero / Omori (Sunny): She is technically the oldest member of the group, being born before Reira (assuming that Reira is at the max of her age range (18)), having a caring personality to all members in the friend group, have a January birthday (considering her Hero part), have a sibling, living in an incomplete family (however to her, she lost her nuclear family, more on that later), losing a sibling (considering her Omori / Sunny part)
Reira - Aubrey: Obviously, as seen from her, she is agressive and appears to be something of a school bully. However, unlike Aubrey, she is in fact a heroic and kind person that uses the agressive facade in order to scare off those who threaten the ones she loves (currently it is vague why exactly she put up the facade, but the above information currently is the only clue why she do so)
Jane - Kel: Being the youngest in the team (physically she is built to look like a 14-16 years old but in fact she is created like about 3-4 years prior to the game's events), keeping a bubbly personality. (However, despite she is associated with Kel, she IS NOT Yumemi's younger cousin or whatsoever)