23 days ago

here's my take on 2011SONIC

I have no name for him for now

nor does he have any origin story

all you need to know for now is that he is not a being of the void, he is far worse.



Next up

we found father fnati

my take on 2011SONIC's voice

ouhn new! lucks lack ourgle doot aedn soasuodcnsconick...EXJHKASDAISKDJ are gunna died due 2 explosin in arckaed kabineet what will we dooooooooooooodoooooooooooooo?!?!

Scary hedgehog, I think

mutilate charted teaser

song is made by joey :)

sprites by the legacy team and melovelife360 for the faker scrimbo sprites

I do not claim to own anything except for the chart

also technically a teaser for my mod witch is just charts and remixes

you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

ruining fnf mods is fun

teaser for the playable doise joke mod I'm making

It's just a dream...

mmmmmm grease