7 months ago

Here’s otomi’s canonical information

that’s right bitches i retconned her

Otomi takami is the adopted child of hawks and wants to follow in his footsteps

name: Otomi takami

age: 15/16 (born July 27th)

hero name: omi

quirk: mist: she can create mist to distract enemies and can even use this mist to create objects like weapons she normally chooses knives as they allow for her to do close combat and intimidate her enemies

she was adopted by hawks because he found her on patrol once not knowing where her parents were and her being like 4 he took her in turns out she was running from her parents and they tried to take they’re daughter back but they were eventually arrested for child abuse she’s more happier now

she would end up going to the same school as katsuki bakugou and deku and were on good terms with them

the applied to ua because she wanted to be the type of hero that could put hope into children and people in broken homes and relationships and she wants to be like hawks because of how much of an impact he has had on her life and wants to be a hero like him

When Otomi said she wants to be a hero hawks started to train her to be stronger and help her with her goal

she ended up in class 1-a but then got moved to 1-b she has a good bond with class 1-a tho with her surprisingly being friends with bakugou (he was the only person she knew other than deku)

otomi is described as chill and Abit of a rebel, she can be possitive and enfusiastic( I can’t spell) at times but she’s a cool person to be around

she has ptsd and trust issues she shows signs of being neurodivergent or adhd but is undiagnosed

she refuses to get therapy as she “doesn’t need it”

People think she’s like a dragon because of the wings and horns

She can mostly be seen alone but is friends with Lee, Mieka and nikieto

she likes to draw even tho she’s not that good she even drew her desired hero outfit

she doesn’t wear a mask because she finds it dumb



Next up

Fnf doodles I made on Snapchat cause I got bored and downloaded it on my iPad

I just love her

Gf doodle

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


Idk might make another csm oc


Hate me if you want but I hate Fnf soft mod

Fnf nene fanart

i was gonna doodle random shit but them I started rendering this and I like it

also fnf update was sick asf I love the new results screen

Ahyug Elly art + lore

Oku doodles cause why not