Sonic 3 Endless

2 years ago

Here's the current progress of 0.0.5.

- Tidy up your HUD

- Restored mobile HUD

- Added AI Tails

- main menu implementation



Next up

At the time, many people downloaded and played the game. Strangely enough, that year saw the highest number of missing people ever recorded.

The porting work is progressing smoothly, and we are currently working on the Sonic Stage :)

Knuckles.exe Devil's Energy Android Port

v1.4.0 Demo version officially released :D

Majin Sonic Boss From Sonic FGX Ultimate

Big progress in Angel Island Zone and implementation of classic mode.

Sonic 3 Remastered - Devlog #5


Monitor implementation

Sonic 3 Remastered - Devlog #9

Super Eggman

Implementation of opening cutscene and spin dash behavior

Sonic 3 Remastered - Devlog #3