I'm not dead! hopefully..
so here's the thing right, with school almost over I'm slowly getting back into art and I think I'm doing well :). Also, spring break ill be on grind making a UT engine In scratch
Losing inspiration
I'm starting to run out of ideas and have kind of started to stray away from making sprites, but don't think I've quit, far from it, just need a break is all.
Games that(might)
be dead
so the thing is, the only game that's even being updated is anarchy murder time trio, legit every other game is dead, I might lend ownership of them because I can't seem to get any team members.
some other platforms I'm activate on OK maybe not all of them...
I'm still planning things, but it’s dead for now, of course, the channel is here.
I'm very active here! if you want, you can friend me, my username is superevancap, it’s here.
been doing less and less stuff here, but I'm starting my own UT engine on there so let's see how it goes :D (i will add a link to it here if it's open) you can also follow me here for progress reports on my currently working on page.
so I started getting back into MC and you can catch me on origin realms sometimes in mid-day or late, my user is superevancap over on Minecraft.
your mom!1! No, but jokes aside, I'm slowly getting back into things. youtube is dead, so uhhhhh. and that's it. bye lol.
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