One night with Mickey mouse (pocket code port)

2 months ago

Heres some promos for the v2 update.

Little fun fact:the original oswald texture that i used is lost,so i needed to make another one.

Also theres gonna be a new character:Golden pnm,he will act like Golden Freddy but will attack you more often



Next up

The demo of fnati 2 is here!

Is cancelled tho..might come back but not sure about that.

I was gonna make a gamepage of this game but it feels useless doing a game page for a cancelled game.

ONAMH APPERED ON FNAF FANGAMES 200 RECENT VIDEO!!,in the beginning appears!

I thought this will never happend

Tomorrow ill reveal something.

I found oswald texture so i decided to remake hem,so this is the final version.

I never revealed this thing.

A Nightmare Oswald model recreation.

The eyes dont fit At all.

Update 2:updated gamepage.

The long waited,V2 OF ONWMM PC PORT IS OUT!! :D

I hope youtubers plays this ;)

Eye balled cat running in the office with the sky blue for no reason.

-corruptus:LENNY LOOK,THE NEWSSSS!!!!!!!!!

*News theme*

Breaking news m'kay,someone started a fire on lennys High House,More of the story is on develoment.

-lenny:oh hell no,OH #### NO,IM GONNA KILL HEMMMM

-corruptus:Lenny NO-

High Lenny by:@Nightyz

Finally,i finish my exams

Daum they were hard.

Heres something i maked,the original characters by viktor and my version of them.

I actually dont know whos the owners of oswald model,yeah Viktor is the owner but i think i remember someone else idk.