Fear of Nightmares: A FNaF Fan Game
2 months ago

Hey all!

Before you ask, NO the game is not dead.

During the process of making the main game, i realized i overscoped the gameplay a bit too much, so we're restarting from scratch.

models will not be updated.

that's all for now!

'til next time!



Next up

In Celebration of the new year, i'll being sharing a small render of one of the cameras in the game.

Oh look! It's Mr Kill. (no thats not its name)

grandma no :(

Devlog #2 Hey all! Viniko speaking.

We're currently in the process of revamping some of the graphics for the main area of the game.(picture above)

In Addition to this, I'll be finishing up the main cast, (4/8 finished)

That's all for now! Bye!