Patty's Pad (Super Sized!)
1 month ago

Hey all!

Normally I like to keep my life private, but this game shoulda been done a week ago.

I don't have the biggest following on here but I still wanna address something people still really struggle with. (me too honestly)

I met a person online and we actually are pretty close now I'd like to think.

I knew she was going through a really bad time, for a while actually.

I never want to pry, and she kept saying she was fine so, I trusted her to take care of it.

A few days ago in a matter of seconds she went from fine to terrible.

We'd grown close over the course of about... 2 weeks?

In an instant she sent an apology to our group before leaving it and being the overthinker I am I went into a full panic.

Tried getting her to talk but she didn't want to.

She went offline and the creeping dread totally infested me.

I'd been here before, didn't have anyone to help me.

I wasn't going to let this happen to her, not if I could help it.

I called her, we talked for an hour.

Still keeping an eye on her now, despite what she'd like to believe I genuinely care.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, there's someone who cares.

Maybe not in your own home, maybe someone you barely really even know, or in our case, someone halfway 'cross the world.

So if you're struggling with stuff, as hard as it may be, open your door for somebody, somebody you can trust.

Can't promise it'll fix anything but sometimes it's good to just dump everything on someone you trust can handle it.

Ha, sorry. Never really gave advice before, prolly not the best way to get my point across huh?

Gonna get back to working on the game now, have a good day people!



Next up

Patty's Pad (Super Sized!) is now available to download!

Please report any bugs/glitches, thank you!

(Also includes save data... for people who just want to not play the game I guess?)

Teaser- 5-3-24

Patty's Pad (2021)/ Patty's Pad (2024)

Graphical Comparison

Patty's Pad (2021)/ Patty's Pad (2024)

Small peek at Primrose too

Part of the remade office

Teaser- 5-19-24

Teaser- 4-22-24

Teaser- 4-15-24

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Teaser- 4-9-24

Teaser- 4-27-24