Hey @DistractionsDaily , I simplified your THSMC text code XD and it works with uppercasse and lowercase letters as well. I guess I saved 2 hours too late on THSMC for you XD
Next up
Here's something I just finished working on. Behold! The Ruler of Reality
I made the Murder Drones Song: Eternal Dream audio compressed... *insert joke*
well won't you look at that
Just eavesdroppin'.
(there are at least THREE new things being showcased in this single image
try to find them ;) )
I announce that me and @p3ngu1nc05 will be working on this Riddle School Fangame, he will compose some tracks for the game, while I will code and do the art.
New gameplay trailer showing off some... interesting... new mechanics.
YouTube version with peak captions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5YQotvlCEQ
My first attempt at a mashup, still needs work
First room of the game, I know it looks like RT2 but trust me, it will go along with the story
A closer look at the (first) new battle features we've been teasing! Quite a few new features have been added. ✨
Epic Robot Design, by me