GJ Blitz!

30 days ago

hey blitzians!!

its wednesday, and you know what that means,

a weekly update!!

#gjb #gamejoltblitz

so far, we have made the basics, characters and maps,

we have also made a basic online system with lobbies,

not too much but not too little!!

theres still some polishing to be done, but overall we have quite a bit done!!

who knows? we might post a demo out of the blue or we could show a special teaser

all we can say so far is:

be ready!!



Next up

yoyoyoyo!!! it's a gjb wednesday!! today were going to be talking about the planned demos, when will this game release and other stuff(crazy)

#gamejoltblitz #gjb


it's jover

Ok guys apparently the game is being coded!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 AND FOR SOME REASON I WASNT AWARE OF IT.... So yeah thats good news ! i completely forgot this game existed 😭

howdy blitzians!!

todays wednesday again, its time for another weekly update!!

#gamejoltblitz #gjb

2 Days.